
Healthy Sleep Overview

Healthy Sleep Women Bed Picture

Healthy Sleep Women Bed Picture

Sleep is an essential requirement both physically and mentally. Everyone not excluding anyone needs and loves to sleep. Although the sleeping time for everyone differs because there is nothing that is called ‘general world sleeping time’ anyone can sleep at any given time. Having a healthy sleep requires more than long hours of sleep. According to research what is required for a healthy sleep is ‘quality sleep’ and not long hours of sleep.

Healthy sleep is an anticipated and well-deserved rest taken by a person. Healthy sleep contributes to our healthy living making leukocytes (white blood cells) to be active always. Healthy sleep promotes Healthy living which determines our longevity on planet earth.

Below are some signs which show you are having a perfect quality sleep that promotes healthy living:



Having a healthy sleep has a wide range of positive outcome in our lives. Quality sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health, safety and also increase one’s life span. During sleep, the body works to give support to the brain which is very essential to the human body. Healthy sleep also supports children in their growth and development.

Proper brain stability

Healthy sleep helps in the proper function of the brain. The brain does not sleep even when you are totally asleep. It was designed to help you improve and increase the speed of learning. A good sleep enhances brain functionality. But according to research deficiency in sleep affects the brain making some part to functionless.

Emotional stability

Healthy sleep helps to stabilize your emotions. Your emotional stability has a larger percentage of your daily functionality ranging from your mental and Physical behavior. On the other hand, sleep deficiency alters your emotional stability which causes mood swings, depression, lack of motivation and having a hard time making decisions.

Good performance

Performance is a quality that is expected of you in the office, home, and school or among peers. A healthy sleep gets you that required performance which causes excellence in everything you do. But people who deprive themselves of healthy sleep are neither active nor productive. They are always involved in one mistake or the other and also take the whole day in finishing a task.

Enhances Healthy living

Healthy sleep promotes healthy living. Having the required hours of sleep every day which is 7-9 hours keeps you away from a handful of diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and even high blood pressure. A healthy sleep maintains balanced and boosted hormones. The hormone helps to repair tissues, controls sugar level and boosts the immune system.




Sleeplessness can be simply explained as the persistent difficulty in falling or remaining asleep. So many times you have stayed awake looking at the ceiling as a result of the difficulty in sleeping despite putting effort.

Stop habitual alcohol intake

To begin having a proper sleep as you use to in the past, there as to be a complete stop of alcohol intake. Habitual alcohol intake leads to different arousals, frequent and continuous awakenings over the night period.

Regular exercise

Routines exercise before bedtime is another way to win over sleeplessness. This is a tested and proven act that has helped so many in the past. Regular exercise has not only helped in making the heart function well but it also assists in having a good sleep. Howbeit exercise should be done at least three hours before bedtime.

Conducive sleeping environment

Having a proper sleep requires proper and comfortable environment. Creating a conducive environment there as to be good control of your environment. Some of which are noise, temperature, and light. If you have a pet that makes noise then put it in another room or you are the type that stays in noisy surroundings leave. Moderate your home appliances like fans or air condition and put off the light so as to have a good temperature room. 

Avoid late dinners

Eating late nights immediately before bedtime contributes a lot to sleeplessness. Having late night dinner does not cause weight gain but indigestion. Immediately eating before going to bed activates your digestive organs making you stay awake all through the night.

Avoid drinking water excessively

Water is very important to man but excessive drinking of it affects our sleep. I will prove that. When you drink too much water and immediately go to bed the bladder becomes overwhelmed which now results in continuous toilet or bathroom visit and of course, your sleep suffers.

Avoid being stressed

Another worrisome and major contributor is stress. Stress is the application of tension either physically or emotionally. Although stress is good because it contributes to our daily growth but too much of it becomes unhealthy. The two types of stress are namely: Acute and chronic. The acute stress can be managed but the chronic stress can’t be managed because it is the type that affects your sleep given you sleeplessness.

Embrace participating in cognitive therapies

Cognitive therapies are therapies that help to free the human body from problematic thinking, emotional distress, and inaccurate behavior. This therapy has long been helpful in identifying and solving sleeping problems. It gives the proper information on how best to deal with your countless sleepless nights.


Taking medicines in other to be able to sleep has never been advice able. It is only a short solution for a long term problem.


 The above tips if properly followed will help you overcome sleeplessness. All your nights of sleeplessness will be over in no time. There are still a handful of tips out there to help you with insomnia.

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